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Exceptional circumstances are genuine circumstances beyond your control or ability to foresee, and which impair your assessed work. If your circumstances are such that an extension of up to ten days would not be sufficient or if you feel that, despite being granted an extension, your performance in an assessment will be seriously impaired, you may formally submit an Exceptional Circumstances application. You can get the detailed process on your programme page.
If accepted, you will be granted a deferral which means you will be given permission to postpone submission of your assessment and undertake a new piece of work at the next available submission period.
Requests for exceptional circumstances must be accompanied by supporting evidence, normally from an independent third party. You are advised to keep a copy of any evidence you submit. We realise that in some cases, it may be difficult to do this. However, lack of third-party evidence will mean that your request is unlikely to be granted. Medical evidence must bear the GP’s practice stamp, and/or be on appropriate letter-headed paper. acceptable non-medical circumstances may include: a death certificate/a letter from a counsellor who you have been seeing/a letter from your employer verifying the extenuating circumstances.
Deferral, Referral and Re-enrolment are alternative assessments or reassessment opportunities. For further information, please see the University of Hertfordshire, Policy UPR AS14 Section D5
A candidate for reassessment (referral, deferral or re-enrollment) may not demand assessment in elements which are no longer current in the programme. It is the student’s responsibility to check whether the syllabus or format of the reassessment is different from the original assessment. The Module Board may, at its discretion, make such special arrangements as it deems appropriate in cases where it is not practicable for students to be reassessed in the same elements and by the same methods as at the first attempt.
NOTE: Grades DEFC, DEFE and DEFB will be used by Module Boards to indicate the recommended type of deferral.
Deferred assessments would normally be undertaken at the same time as referred assessments and be considered at the following Module Board. Should such deferrals be failed, and the candidate be offered referral or further deferral, these will be undertaken at the module’s next regular assessment period.
If you have not attempted one or more assessments due to proven Exceptional Circumstances, please contact your Student Support Officer (SSO) at, and copy your Programme Leader as well.
Referral is defined as a reassessment opportunity for students who have been unsuccessful at their first attempt. Students are not required to re-enroll for the module or short course but will be reassessed, either within the University’s normally referred assessment period or the module’s or short course’s next regular assessment period, whichever is the sooner.
Module Boards have the authority and discretion to allow a student the opportunity to be referred (indicated by the award of a FREFE/FREFC/FREFB status code) in an examination and/or coursework assessment.
A candidate has to attempt any referral in a module at the next available assessment period. However, the Module Board will normally offer a candidate with proven Serious Adverse Circumstances the opportunity to defer any chosen referred assessments.
Students who are successful in referred assessments shall be awarded a P(REF) status code for the module. The numeric grade for the module will be limited by any assessment elements which have been failed and then passed at referral being capped to the minimum pass grade.
Re-enrolment is defined as the opportunity for a student to repeat a module(s) which he or she has previously failed at first attempt and possibly at referral and is indicated by the award of a FREN status code. In offering re-enrolment, the
Module Board considers that the student requires substantial further study in the module and that it is normal for that student to repeat all assessment elements, irrespective of his or her overall performance.
Students who have achieved a pass grade in any module or short course shall be credited accordingly. They may not elect to repeat the module or short course in an attempt to improve the grading, nor may they be required to repeat the module or short course in order to qualify for an award.
Students who have achieved a pass grade in any module or short course on re-enrollment shall be credited accordingly, and awarded a P(REN) status code for the module. They may not elect to repeat the module in an attempt to improve the grading, nor may they be required to repeat the module in order to qualify for an award.
Following re-enrolment on any module or short course, whether or not the student has attended, the grades awarded shall be those achieved in the assessment.
Whether students are eligible for re-enrolment on the module concerned (indicated by the award of a FREN/FRENC/FRENE status code) or not (indicated by the award of a FNFA status code), they may elect to study an alternative module, only if available on the validated programme of study and at the discretion of the Programme Board. Attendance shall be required, and the grades awarded shall be those achieved in the assessment. Further re-enrolment on the replacement module is not allowed.